Thursday, July 9, 2009

Things to do

I know y'all don't care, but I need to write out a to-do list that I won't lose. Which happens when your to-do lists are mostly written on Post-Its or cocktail napkins.

- Finish DVD for "Zombie Holocaust & You!"; I just need to buckle down for a few hours and the damn thing will be finished and ready for distribution.

- Work on turning Janiak's new netbook into a Hackintosh. That will be interesting to say the least. And possibly frustrating.

- Try and find actors for this weekend's spec commercial shoot. We have to deliver the spot by July 17th, so there's a time crunch.

- Get working on FUCK! forgot what I needed to put here.

- Press kits! That's what I needed to remember. Press kits and target festivals for ZH&Y!

- Enter my House spec into the WB writer's fellowship.

- Set up a haircut before I leave the 24th.

- Go to that alumni thing the 22nd (see previous post on why I need a smartphone; too much shit to remember)

That's it for now.

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