Thursday, September 10, 2009

Recap of the last six weeks.

- I got laid off.

- I went back home to Alaska, where I saw old friends, tackled a chore list for the folks and grandfolks, drank some very good beer, had my first ever visitor from college, and generally pushed the RESET button on the ol' grey NES that is my life.

- I came back to SoCal, in the midst of enjoying my temporary retirement, my meager savings dwindling but I didn't really care. I played a lot of video games, went out with friends, and relaxed.

- I got a new job. Beginning of this month, I started work. Dumped into the deep end, and it's either sink or swim. I am dog-paddling at the moment, still learning the ropes but succeeding. Busy work makes the days go by faster, and thank Jebus I have normal fucking hours again.

- I went to Las Vegas over Labor Day weekend. Funny thing that Labor Day - holiday invented to encourage people to work now inspires people to be as lazy as possible. Anywho, I gambled, came up, got a bunch of shit for free, and had the cheapest Vegas excursion ever without ever a reduction in the amount of good times.

- I saw AC/DC on Tuesday. They fucking rock. Awesome awesome awesome.

- I got my first paycheck from the new job today. Gainful employment, meet Cory. Cory, meet gainful employment.

-This weekend I'm off to the AZ to visit my parents who just bought a little house there for wintering purposes. A quick trip, but a hell of a lot closer than Alaska.

So why did I write this list down? Well, during my temporary retirement I purposely changed up my routine. To take the metaphor further, I took Super Mario Bros. 2 out of the NES, grabbed Ducktales, blew the dust out of the end, and restarted my life. I was ready for a change, and I got it.

Minus Gizmoduck (unfortunately).

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