Sunday, October 18, 2009

Strange Dreams

I have strange dreams. I know everyone views their dreams as strange, but we are only privvy to our own, and to me my subconscious comes up with some bizarre shit.

Last night I remember being at a house party where one of my exes arrived, and unlike the last time I saw her in real life, we were actually cordial and, dare I say it, affectionate. This was a woman I haven't thought of in years, and I mean YEARS. Why my brain decided to dredge her up I'll never figure out. The only part that was like reality was where she making out with another guy mere moments after professing her love for me.

My second dream was much more interesting - it was an episode of Mad Men that seemed like what the last episode would be. Both Don Draper and Pete Campbell left Sterling Cooper to work in much lower paying jobs, and they were cool with it. Then Don and Pete actually became friends. Best part? Don actually leaves Betty. That chick is crazy, yo.

Next time I wake up after sleeping for only five hours (which I do every night now) I'm just gonna get up. I can't take much more of this madness.

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