Monday, July 13, 2009

I know what I'm gonna do!

If you don't know who this is my finger is wagging in your direction.

I'm gonna pick up writing my novel.

You heard me.

A while ago, I started writing what I thought would be a short novel. Normally I write only in screenplay format (or random blogs), and a narrative in book form would be something I haven't done since I used to write short stories back in high school. And now I'm going to start it up again.

It probably won't be great. Point of fact it is most likely pedestrian and meandering at best. But I'm going to write it. Because that's what I am - a writer. Now that "Zombie Holocaust & You!" is all done, it's time to move on to my next burst of creativity.

What's that you say? You're actually interested in the plot of said novel? Well, since you asked...

In a world...a hero will rise...a champion will fall...

Naw, I'm just fucking around. It's actually about a newspaper reporter living in Alaska during the 1980's. He's a hack, a bit of a drunk, and he gets into trouble on a regular basis. There's some mystery, a lot of humor, and a bit of romance. All set against the way I viewed my hometown while I was growing up.

I'll let you know how it turns out.

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