Thursday, July 23, 2009

Second-to-last day cause holes in spacetime

Second-to-last days are strange wee beasties, they have this uncanny effect of taking that march towards the final day of whatever you're counting down to and either making the day go by super fast, or excruciatingly slow.

Well, it's my second-to-last day at my current job, and the latter is in effect. So...slow...can' Tomorrow I know will go by super quickly, since I have a plane to catch and have to leave around 2:30pm. And I'm sure I'll write something about last days tomorrow, so I'll keep this short. I'll instead talk about physics.

I know that much of what we perceive of spacetime (so-called because both space and time are the same thing - read a book about it if you don't get it) is based on our observational biases. The saying "A watched pot never boils" comes from when we are waiting for something to happen, and solely concentrate on that event, time appears to slow down because there are no distractions. If you instead read a book and suddenly find out that an hour has passed that feels like ten minutes, that again is your observational bias getting in the way.

Time is fixed and solid, except when it's not. At first glance my previous statement makes no sense, but when you think about it the statement is true. Weird shit has to occur in order to make time swerve from its steady march forward, and I would like to add second-to-last days as one force that caused weird shit to occur to the very fabric of spacetime.

In other news I am going to Mars! Well, my name is on the next Martian rover NASA sends over, so that's fucking awesome.

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