Monday, July 6, 2009

Six months? Are you fucking kidding?

It's been six months since I've blogged (man, that word is weird/pretentious/bodily-function-esque), and SO much has happened I can't even tell you!

Okay, I will. Just the highlights:

- I'm getting laid off from my current job July 24th, then heading back to Alaska until mid-August.

- I may have a new job when I get back (more info as it develops)

- People in Iran went absolutely apeshit 'cause their supreme leaders are just like any other petty dictators.

- My governor, sweet Sarah, resigned. Good riddance.

- The King of Pop died. News coverage of said event will continue until 2013 at the earliest.

- The evening of July 3rd has been wiped from my memory banks due to Skittle vodka and Jell-o shots. If I don't remember it, ergo, it did not happen. Never mind what the photos say.

- I finally finished my latest short film "Zombie Holocaust and You!", and am in the process of sending it to film festivals.

Other stuff happened too, but that's all I can think of at the moment. I'm going to add more to the blog more often, because I think with the right discipline it will become a good outlet for my creative impulses and...

Oh, who am I kidding? I will post more often, but it will still be the random thoughts and logic leaps that make up my psyche. Hold on tight kids.

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